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Planning Board Minutes 03/14/1996



MARCH 14, 1996

PRESENT:  Acting Chairman Stephen MacCleery, Brandon Giuda, Paul Adams, Doug Hamel, Jeff Andrews, Jeff Jordan, Ron Lesieur, Andrea Deachman

Chairman MacCleery called the meeting to order at 7:08pm and requested the Board to review the minutes from February 1, 1996.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                        Andrews/Hamel  (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Craig Keeler
                                        Home Occupation - Real Estate
                                        Map 6, Lot 21, Canterbury Road

Mr. Keeler explained to the Board that he wanted to go through the home occupation process to be in conformance with the town regulations.  He sometimes has people arrive at his home to sign paperwork and wants it to be legal.

Abutter Dennis Nolin was present and had no complaint about the home occupation.

Motion was made to grant the home occupation to Mr. Keeler.

                                Hamel/Giuda              (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Peter Hammen
                                        Map 8, Lot 25, Bear Hill Road

Abutter Stephen MacCleery stepped down from the Board for this hearing. Mr. MacCleery also wanted it written that he did not receive a certified letter of this meeting and he would not have known of the meeting if he had not seen his fathers letter.  Mr. MacCleery gave the Board his consent to continue with the hearing.


Mark Stevens surveyor representing Mr. Hammen presented the Board with the final plans of the subdivision.  Including the additional information requested.

It was made clear at this meeting because of the rescheduling of the March 7, 1996 meeting because of a storm, that if an abutter contacted the Board concerning this subdivision within the next 30 days a new public hearing would need to be scheduled.  The Hammens and Mr. Stevens understood the Boards decision.

Motion was made to accept the subdivision under the condition no abutter contacts the Board within the next 30 days.
                                Hamel/Lesieur    (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Harold Hannaford/Judith Lessels Owner
                                                Home Occupation - Inspection Station
                                                Map 9, Lot 34, Route 28

Mr. Hannaford did not bring a completed site review with him.  The Board requested he complete the site review checklist and the meeting will move on to the next item on the agenda.

DISCUSSION:                             Jane Sly/William Griffiths Owner
                                                Lot Line Adjustment
                                                Map 2, Lot 32, 32A and 32B
                                                Horse Corner/Bailey Roads

Wants to change lot lines from 32A over to 32B making 32B the 5 acre lot instead of 32A and 32A would become the 57.67 acre lot.

The Board reviewed the subdivision of 1988 on William Griffiths.  A concern of the Board is wetlands and was discussed. After reviewing the subdivision the proposed lot seems to meet soil types.

Ms. Sly needs to get a notarized letter form Mr. Griffiths, speak with a surveyor and decide how much land she is looking for.

Ms. Sly will contact the secretary when she is ready to proceed.

PRELIMINARY HEARING: Continued                Harold Hannaford/Judith Lessels Owner


The discussion included whether this will be treated as Home Occupation or a Business.
The Board decided to treat it as Home Occupation.  A site review will be required which will require a professional plan.  Once dimensions are known, the Board can decide how much pavement will be required.

The board review Fred Ryan property (original owner) subdivision done, also Suncook Valley Ambulance Service.  No plan was located.

The Board was in agreement that no vote could be made on preliminary because site review is not complete.

Mr. Hannaford will be in contact with the secretary.

DISCUSSION:                             Alice Head
                                                Rent/Woodworking Shop
                                                Map 4, Lot 151, Route 4

Mr. & Mrs. Head would like to rent out their woodworking/antique shop  and are requesting from the Board what they would need to do.

All property is zoned commercial.  Change of use is in question.

The Board concern is compliance with zoning, this is an altered use and needs to go through site review.

Mrs. Head asked about if these people were her employees would this be a problem?
The response from the Board was you would then be an employer and be liable for insurance to cover the employees working for you.

The property would need to have pavement because of retail business.

Mrs. Head asked if this was a rent to buy venture would the property be grandfathered?

No! Not unless the parcel is separated before new zoning was adopted.

The Board requested the Heads to draw a plan to scale and present it to the Board to see what will be required for pavement.

90 day conditional approval and extensions can be granted on pavement during this time of year.  The Heads could also get a bond to guarantee paving.


DISCUSSION:                     Ron Wroblewski/Doug Hamel Owner
                                        Recondition Truck Boxes
                                        Map 3, Lot 29, Route 4

Mr. Doug Hamel stepped down from the Board for this discussion.

Mr. Wroblewski presented  the Board with proposed area he is intending to purchase from Mr. Hamel.

The building would be eighty feet by eighty feet (80’ X 80’)  with three (3) drive thru bays.

Mr. Hamel would need to go through the subdivision process.

The site would need state approved septic system.  

The question on paving the driveway would need to be looked into.

Mr. Wroblewski and Mr. Hamel will be in contact with the secretary.

DISCUSSION:                     Steven Davis/Mural House B&B
                                        Home Occupation
                                        Ice Cream (take out only) and
                                        Breakfast only
                                        Map 5, Lot 64, Route 28

Mr. Davis would like to include an Ice Cream take out shop in his existing business.

The Board was very concerned about the increase in business and felt parking must be addressed for safety reasons and the town engineer would need to research the property for the Board.  A letter needs to be obtained from Division 5 because of the increased business.

Mr. Davis will contact the secretary.

DISCUSSION:                     Andy Fox/Debra Trott
                                        Map 3, Lot 19
                                        Route 4

Mr. Fox  would like to subdivide the lot into two (2) house lots.

The Board agreed that they could put a business in but not another house lot because of the lack of frontage on route 4 there is only 120’ frontage.


The owners would need to get more frontage to subdivide.


The Board needs to elect a new chairman.

Ron Lesieur nominated Stephen MacCleery, Stephen declines

Jeff Jordan Nominated Paul Adams Jeff Andrews seconded
all others approved.

Paul Adams is now new chairman.

Paul Adams nominated Ron Lesieur as vice Chairman
Ron agreed.

Motion was made to adjourn

                Hamel/Lesieur     (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:54pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,